Safety Plan » Active Shooter Plan

Active Shooter Plan

Active Shooter on Campus


An Active Shooter on Campus involves one or more individuals on school grounds who is armed with a firearm and 'has already killed or wounded someone with the firearm AND at least one of the following applies:

  • Continues to shoot others
  • Actively seeks or attacks others
  • Has access to additional victims


  1. Upon first indication of an active shooter, personnel should immediately notify the school administrator.
  2. The school administrator will initiate the recommended appropriate Immediate Response Action(s), which is LOCKDOWN as described in Section 4.0.
  3. The school administrator will call "911" and School Police (213) 625-6631, and provide the exact location and nature of the incident. The school administrator should designate a person to remain online with police if safe to do so. If there is an assigned officer on campus, they shall be notified.


The staff member assigned to Planning and InteUigence Section will:

  1. Call the Educational Service Center Operation Coordinator (ESC-~C) to notify the Educational Service Center and request assistance.
  2. Prepare a message for parents to be sent on ConnectEd.
  3. Prepare to communicate with classrooms using school phones, e-mail or cell phones or radios. Establish a means of keeping all classrooms informed.


The Staff member assigned to Operations will:

  1. Ensure that perimeter gates are secured and that all students, staff and visitors are safely secured behind locked doors.
  2. Begin the process of accounting for all students and staff.
  3. Staff should take steps to calm and control students with regular P A announcements and if safe to do so, attempt to maintain separation between students and the perpetrator.
  4. If there is an active shooter and students are in imminent danger, the administrator may initiate RELOCATION if that does not place students in the path of the gunman. This action may apply to the entire campus, or just an affected portion.

The school administrator will:

  1. Encourage students and staff to quickly leave by any safe and available exit. If leaving campus, the established offsite relocation point is the preferred destination, if the route is safe.
  2. Inform the Watch Commander of the decision to leave campus and the destination. Keep Watch Commander updated with information about any students and staff who do not arrive at the designated relocation point.
  3. Calm students, create a perimeter to separate the school population from others who may be present, and re-establish Incident Command teams with available staff.


In response to the school's notification, the LASPD Watch Commander will:

  1. Research the nature of the event by contacting LAPD, LAFD, LASD, outside municipal law enforcemen~ Field Units or Transportation Dispatch. Some events may be easily explained to the SchooPs IC, others may be more complex.
  2. Dispatch an officer to the relocation point to advise and support the Incident Commander.
  3. Dispatch a field officer to the municipal Incident Command Post to interface with the municipal IC and gather intelligence for the schools.
  4. Infonn the School's Incident Commander of what is known about the incident and provide the name and arrival time of the LASPD officers dispatched to the school.
  5. Compile names and locations of those unable to get to the relocation point, and dispatch officers to facilitate rejoining the rest of the school population.
  6. Provide point of contact for other District resources who need to know the location of the command post and open routes to the relocation point.

LASPD Officers dispatched to the scene will:

  1. Establish a liaison with the municipal Incident Commander and/or the Command Post/Unified Command/Watch Commander and determine the threat to the school and its immediate community.
  2. Provide guidance to the School Incident Commander about the ongoing threat level to students and staff.
  3. Maintain a perimeter at the offsite relocation point between the school population and others.
  4. Patrol the are.a near the school to find students and staff who may have become separated from the group. Officers will communicate to the Watch Commander the names and locations of anyone found and assist in rejoining those separated with the rest of the school population.

The Educational Service Center Operations Coordinator will:

  1. Connect with the school Incident Commander in person, by phone or radio and provide resources from the Educational Service Center that might include the following:
    • Dispatch the Educational Service Center Crisis Team to the school relocation point.
    • Arrange for transportation assets and a second (receiving) school so the students can be moved to a safe location at another school.
    • Send out a Blackboard Connect message to parents from the ESC office with additional information.
    • Meet with parents at a safe staging location, outside the secured relocation point perimeter, and keep the parents informed using bilingual support staff from the ESC Office.
    • Assist with reunification.
    • The First Aid/Medical Team will work with local authorities to ensure injured students and staffs receive medical attention.
  2. The school administrator will prepare a verified list of any wounded, and the locations to which they were transported. The school administrator will confer with the Crisis Team and the Psychological First Aid Team to ensure notification of parents and family members of the wounded.
  3. All media inquiries will be referred to the designated Public Information Officer.
  4. The school administrators will debrief staff and school police officers.