Lockdown Procedures
Purpose: Lockdown is the action taken when there is an event on or near campus that threatens or compromises the school. Students and staff are to remain in the classrooms or designated locations at all times, until the "ALL CLEAR" is provided by administration or law enforcement.
When lockdown is called through the PA system, the administrator will say "Our school is now on lockdown. All staff and students go to the nearest secure location and follow procedures." If PA system is not available, a long bell will sound.
Teacher/Student Actions:
- All students must go to the nearest open door and enter that space. Teachers open door to invite in any students in the hall or on patios.
- Lock and secure all doors and windows. Close blinds.
- Move students away from windows and doors.
- Teachers and students remain in a locked or secure location until further instructions are given by law enforcement or administration. No one leaves a secure location for any reason, unless given specific instructions by law enforcement or administration.
- Teachers will take attendance (Note missing students, as well as additional students and their homeroom).
- Email principal- [email protected] - with attendance and location information ASAP.
- Prepare emergency materials to be used by students:
- Bathroom Area - use trash can or bucket with toilet seat. Place trash can in closet area between closet doors. Cover opening with butcher paper or black plastic bag.
- Water and food, if any
- First aid kit
Main Office Staff Actions:
- Close and lock all exterior doors.
- Call Northeast Police Station - 213-485-2563
- Call School Police - 213-625-6631
- Call school operations coordinator, Moigan Moazzez - 323-224-3347,
- Report to Incident Command
Other Staff Actions:
- All adults enter the nearest secure location.
- Supervisors with keys must open doors to allow students to enter if necessary. Lock doors behind you.
- Campus aides secure gates and exterior doors in the main building (upper floor) and report to main office or nearest secure location.
- Custodians secure MPR, Staff Lounge, library, Computer Lab and Exterior Main Building Doors (lower level).